
By Chris
Saturday June 28, 2003, Posted: 4:38 PM EST

          Be warned; Tuesday July 1st will be a big day. Not just big to a select few. Not even big to just one region, state, or country. Tuesday will be big for the whole world. What makes me say this? Well, the self-proclaimed psychic, Bob, has informed me of this. For those of you who don't know (which is everyone but Bob himself), Bob is a psychic. He's predicted such world events as his phone ringing (on numerous occasions says my source close to this story), the colors of cars he has not yet seen, and other huge events such as "a chick's middle name."

          "Dude, you know how I'm psychic? Well, Tuesday something big will happen," Bob said Friday June 27th. That statement was quickly followed up with a question of why he feels this. "I have a feeling," was all he was able to tell us.

          When asked to elaborate further on what it is he's predicting will happen, we couldn't get a precise answer. We were told that the occurrence(s) could be "terrorist related... but who knows." Chilling. So we're left to speculate? I'm afraid so. He could give us no clear answer where it will occur, what it will be, who will involve, et cetera. Could this have something to do with Saddam Hussein? Al-Queda? The weapons of mass destruction? We won't know for sure until Tuesday wraps up, but this reporter says "Yes."

          But who's to say this can't be a big day in a good way? Maybe it'll be something such as an AIDs vaccination being created, world peace reached, world hunger solved, or best of all, a new Grand Theft Auto game being released. We can only hope, but from the tone of the interview, Tuesday's event will not be a pleasant one. One thing is for certain, however. It will be a big news event that will have the world's attention. Bob promised this.

          We asked Bob how he happened upon this prediction/premonition/spontaneous statement that he didn't know would be taken to such lengths, and his reply? "It just came to me." It's obvious something will happen. Bob said it himself. How can you argue with a self-proclaimed psychic? So how do we prepare ourselves? What do we prepare ourselves for? Those are excellent questions, but unfortunately they are questions I can’t answer. And so I desperately sought out someone who could.

          I exhausted my sources looking for a pro in spiritual guidance. Just when I was beginning to believe it was a lost cause, I caught a break. I found someone who knew a guy. Apparently he’s in demand because I was told setting up a face-to-face meeting was impossible. He gave me a large book written by this man and his friends, and told me to bow my head and ask my questions as if speaking directly to him. Meditation? Well, like I said, I was desperate. I did just this even though it sounded crazy to me, then spent hours searching every last page of this “book” that supposedly had “all the answers.” The results? Inconclusive.

          Damn. Back to square one. I’ve continued digging but have yet to turn up anything more. Let this serve as a warning to you all. Our modern day Nostradamus has made his prediction.