Tall Tales To Come?

By Chris
Posted: Friday September 10, 2004

     Dennis has finally been called up; given the chance to make his mark on the website; get the attention he so desperately seeks. Yes, he could be appearing on this very website in the near future.

     In what capacity, you ask? That little attention-hound you may or may not know... Well, he's got some stories that are definitely worthy of the title "whopper." I've contacted him about the possibility of sharing those whoppers with you all through the Strike's website. It will act as nothing more than a glorified book jacket for his many tales of suspense, horror, mystery, action, and, occasionally, erotica.

     Interest on his end has, thus far, been only lukewarm. I'm confident, however, that I'll bring this deal home and you'll all be treated to his far-fetched anecdotes. I'm banking on his thirst for the spotlight beating out his common sense - common sense that has already told him this is most likely an opportunity to be recognized, but also cast in a bad light.

     Dennis has made numerous attempts to make the website and to leave an impression on the many readers (estimated at 4) that we have. In the past, he has made predictions of a world news event taking place and a disastrous weather phenomenon wiping out hundreds of thousands of people. Both were ignored since they came on the heels of predictions made by Bob, another friend, who has been known to claim a psychic ability and make predictions based on "feelings."

     Dennis's predictions were taken merely as desperate grabs at attention. It was obvious he had no real feelings these things would happen, and that they were just a means to steal the thunder of Bob. In one instance, the prediction was exactly the same as one previously made by Bob, just given a different timeframe in which it would occur.

     Now is your chance, Dennis. It's your chance to be remembered not as the person who desperately lunged at the spotlight or the guy that passed around the fake (porno) picture of "J," but as a storyteller. Impact the website, Dennis. Share your stories. Tell us about Bigfoot. Tell us about the Crisco. Tell us about the aliens. We're dying to know. And I'd be more than happy to immortalize your bizarre tall tales. Opportunity is knocking. Will you answer it?