Tuesday February 01, 2005 I suppose it's time for another journal entry, so here we go...
Obviously I didn't get that
short story posted. I learned something from it though. When you set
deadlines for yourself in order to keep things from being rushed and
thrown together at the last minute, it's a good idea to set the deadline
far enough in the future that you aren't already forced to rush and throw
together the assignment. Lesson learned. I made the resolution on the
first of January (late, too, I believe) and set the deadline for the 12th.
That left me ten full days and what was left of January 1st to write a
story. Not a good idea especially when I had to prepare for the upcoming
semester. I'll get it up eventually, but I'm not prepared to set another
deadline now that I'm back in school. I'll have to get a few weeks in to
see how the work load is going to be and go from there before I make any
promises. |