Friday August 27, 2004 I know you're all dying to know how my first week of school went, so I'll let you know. Here's a quick rundown of my classes and what I think of each... English: I have a feeling I'm going to hate this one. All we'll be doing is reading literature and discussing it as a class. For a shy person like me, discussing things as a class can be hell. It is if you're forced to discuss it, which we will be. The professor makes us write up our thoughts on what we're told to read and calls on us to discuss it, so I can't just sit and listen or day dream. Not my cup of tea. So far, it's my least favorite class. Computer Information Systems: I thought it was going to be a breeze, but it doesn't look like it will be quite as easy as I had expected. I still think I can hold my own in there without having to do too much work. Anything less than a B in there will be a complete failure. With a little work, I should be able to pull off an A. Philosophy: This one I haven't made up my mind on yet. If you don't know what philosophy is, it's the "love of knowledge." So basically we study smart people and ask weird questions like "what is time." I have a feeling I won't be able to grasp it like some. I'm not one to ask questions like that and I think anyone who does is somewhat odd and is wasting their time. Psychology: This is one I was excited about but I found out yesterday that people with bachelor's degrees in psychology only make like $29,000 a year. The real money is made with 2-6 additional years of school beyond your bachelor's. It's still interesting so far. Well, not yet. It's boring stuff like the founders of psychology now, then we'll move into a kind of biology where we study the actual brain. Eventually we'll get to the fun stuff, though. Geology: This one I have mixed feelings about as well. The actual geology class isn't that bad. It's a little boring but the teacher is a cool guy. He's old but he's very entertaining and knows how to keep you listening even though he's talking about rocks. This class also has a lab. We have a first-timer teaching that class. He's a pretty young guy, still a student I think, so maybe he won't be too tough on us. I'll withhold judgment on this one.
OK, that sounds good to me. |