Friday September 17, 2004

Here's a fear I have about my schedule this semester: I'll go to the wrong class on the wrong day. Or is it the right class on the wrong day? I don't know. I'm just worried I'll wake up one morning on four hours sleep, sleep-drive myself to school, and stumble into English class when I should be going to geology halfway across campus.

I'm that way because my schedule changes from day-to-day this semester. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I go to the English, CIS (computer), and philosophy (though not on Fridays); and on Tuesday, Thursday I go to geology and psychology.

I think it's only a matter of time before it happens. I have this way about me... I'm completely fucking retarded early in the morning. And it takes me half the day to wake up it seems like. So eventually I'll go to geology when I should be in English or I'll go to English when I should be going to geology. I know it'll happen. I know it.

I took a psychology test last week. The class average was a 69. Six people made As, eight made Bs, eleven made Cs, thirteen made Ds, and sixteen made Fs. Know what I made? An A. Oh yeah. I'm a genius. Actually, I made an 88 but the TA (teacher's aid) that teaches the class gave bonus points for anything he could since the grades seemed to show he had done a terrible job. +3 for printing out the syllabus (there's my A), and more for some of the harder questions that a great deal of the class missed.

I'm not sure if I get points for the harder questions though. I know if you missed them, he gave you points back. A lot of people missed them so he just gave them to us. The ones he talked about in class I got right, though, so I'm not sure if I get points for them or not. Either way, I come out with a 91 or better. Score.