Monday November 15, 2004 Mahatma Gandhi is haunting me. I swear he is. Well, he stopped now, but he was. You see, a few weeks ago I took an IQ test for my psychology class at school. We pretty much had to. We either had to let them give us this test or we had to write a paper. I did both because the paper will count as a test grade if you do both. Anyway, I bombed this IQ test. I was nervous because it involved talking to a girl and also having my intelligence measured. That's my excuse anyway. Hopefully the results are anonymous. I mean, I hope they don't put a name with the results of the test and it's just a general test of a selection of people; in this case, college students. I say that because I don't want associated with those results. I really stunk it up. The question about Mahatma Gandhi has been haunting me. I got it very wrong, and I knew I did at the time, which made me ashamed of myself. The question was "Who is he?" and I couldn't get anything close to correct out. Since then, it seems like I hear his name once a day. He was brought up briefly on "Pardon the Interruption" one day and... Well, I had several more examples of such occurrences, but since this happened about two weeks ago, I've begun to forget them. I eventually got tired of it and looked him up on Wikipedia (the free, on-line encyclopedia). After that, he went away. He obviously forgave me and left me alone since I looked him up.
For those of you who don't
know and don't want haunted by his spirit yourselves if and when others
discover you have no clue who he is, he was an influential advocate of
non-violent protest as a means of revolution. He also helped bring India's
independence from British rule. Learn this.
Here's a source for my info, and I'll
also put this on the Learn Something page so I never forget. |