Thursday April 21, 2005

It's been a while, I know. It seems I always find a way to go around a month without adding a journal entry at least a few times during the year. I wish I had the discipline to put one up at least every two weeks without fail, but I don't. Discipline sucks anyway. I have an excuse though.

I've had internet connection problems for the last month or so. I would get booted from the 'net for an hour or two. That's how it started, anyway. Two hours of being kicked off then became three. Three then became five. And before you knew it, I couldn't get online during the day at all and could barely get an hour of online time in in the evenings.

Don't worry, it's fixed. As of yesterday afternoon, I'm back for good. I hope you all enjoyed your break from my negativity. I've heard how I'm so incredibly bad about that. Waaah. Sorry.

When I visited the ole site today, I couldn't help but notice I now have ads on the right side and bottom of each page in addition to the one I've always had up at the top. That really blows. I hate ads. FreeServers is pushing me closer and closer to going legit and getting a real domain name. is taken, though, and I don't know if I want a personal site that no one will read or if I want a real site that would potentially get visitors and, who knows, maybe even generate a little money. If you have any suggestions, I'm open to them. Email them to me or leave me a note on the message boards.

To, in a way, make amends with you, my loyal reader(s) for going AWOL and subjecting you to irritating new ads, I'm going to share this cool link I found (stole). Since the damn RIAA is making theft of music so difficult these days, we've all had to find new and interesting routes to free tunes. Here's one you might not be aware of yet. It allows you to use Google to search the internet for uploaded MP3s. I used it this morning to nab a few System of a Down albums. It's good if you're desperate, but not always reliable. I couldn't find the third album I was looking for.

Well, that's all I really have. Good day.