Thursday May 19, 2005

My grades are in. I finished with 4 As and a C. I actually thought I'd get 5 As, but apparently Life Wellness and Bowling are one class. Oh well, that's still a 3.429 GPA for the semester. It came out weird either because Biology counted for 4 credits or the Life Wellness/Bowling combo only counted for 2 credits.

My C was in biology. I really disliked my teacher in that class. I buckled down and tried but didn't get my A... Well, not really "buckled down." I buckled down in history, though. I even went to some of the supplemental instruction classes that were offered. Those are optional and in the evenings. I went to, I believe, five of them. Sure, I never did any of the assigned readings. I still tried though. And sure I never read any of the chapters in biology. I guess I'm just lazy and I didn't like that that class didn't just come to me. Anyway...

My first two weeks of summer vacation have flown by. I've done nothing but a little reading, a little ball playing, and a lot of sleeping. Yes, that's right, I played a little bit of basketball. Yesterday, in fact. I decided to go to the gym and do a little shooting. All the basketball I've been watching got me in the mood. And, wow, am I sore. I never thought I could be so sore from casually shooting around for two hours. It's embarrassing how bad off I am today.

Big news from the entertainment world: The first season of the Adventures of Pete and Pete has been released on DVD! Click here if you'd like to order it. I'd order it myself, but I probably have all the episodes from season 1 on VHS. I taped some when I found out it came on Noggin twice a day. Anyway, I recommend that show.

I guess that's all I have to say. I've been meaning to post something for almost two weeks now and nothing noteworthy has happened. You'll all just have to settle for this crappy little update about things you care nothing about. Sorry!