Wednesday June 22, 2005 It's finally happened. I'm finally bored enough to wish school would start. It took me long enough, though, I will say that. Most college students get bored about a week into their summer vacations. If they're not interning or working or something like that, that is. Those of us who just sit on our ass in our parents' house are more prone to wishing school would start about three minutes into that second Wednesday of watching Judge Joe Mathis at 2 pm. I'm a homebody, so I stand up to the boredom better, I suppose. I like doing nothing. I like sleeping half the day away. I like doing little more in a day than reading a few chapters of a murder mystery and showering. It's my thing. I'm like that guy in "Office Space," only I didn't have to get hypnotized into being incredibly lazy. I was just born that way. Hah! But anyway, I was actually bored enough today to go and buy things for the upcoming semester; a day planner, folders, spiral notebooks, that sort of thing. It's too bad the breaks aren't spaced out through the semester a little more. There are times during the semester when it really starts to get to you and you could use about a week of no responsibilities to help take your level of stress down a peg. No such luck, though.
I just wish school would
start. It's sad, isn't it? |