Friday August 12, 2005

Fell behind on my entries again. Oops. Oh well, here we go...

My mother was nice enough to buy me a printer. I couldn't get it myself since I'm a penniless mooch, but I need it for school. That means I gets it one way or another. I talked her into a pricier model this time around. Actually, I didn't have to do much talking. Our first two printers, dinky $30 jobs, both broke down in no time flat. Actually, one didn't even work right out of the box (NEVER by a Canon, people).

I picked out a sensible HP in the $80 range. So far so good. But having this newly acquired electronic forced me to do something I do not like to do: take electronic device inventory, establish a pecking order, and bump the least important device I have plugged in. This is because I have so many electricity-sucking toys and tools vying for just two outlets (that, because of a surge protector and clever use of an extension cord, is now eleven outlets). The new device was going to bump one of my precious toys from what I like to call "the only part of my bedroom that ever sees any kind of action."

Sadly, the victim of this little electronic popularity contest was my fan. Now, gone is the cool breeze that continuously kissed my face all through the night. Gone is the sense that, even though it's the middle of summer and this is Texas, that I should bundle up to keep warm. Gone is my white noise that helped me fall asleep with such ease. I'll miss you, old friend.

Sure, I've had you for... well, I don't even know how long now. And, sure, usually you're much noisier than a fan should be. Sure, sometimes it takes you as long as five minutes to actually kick in and blow some air after I've turned you on. But I loved you for your shortcomings. Yes, you heard right. I love you for your shortcomings, not in spite of them. That's real love.

I just hope you can forgive me, fan, for what I've done. Can we still be friends?