Sunday August 14, 2005 Woe is me. Last year I got more financial aid than I needed. $500 more per semester to be exact. More like $900 more per semester if I was smart enough to buy used textbooks online instead of at the university bookstore (more commonly known as Rape Central), which I wasn't. But this year, I'm getting half of what I did last year. Before books, gas, car insurance, food, and all the little extras that come with being a college student (beer and a parking pass), I'm $611 short. Actually, just a few hundred short since I have somewhere between $400 and $500 left over from my working days. That's terrible news! What usually happens in situations like these, where I think I've been wronged by someone, is I bitch up a storm and then find out that I was all wrong and everything works out. That's what I'm hoping happens here, so on with the bitching... I live like I'm a dirt poor character in the Grapes of Wrath. Neither of my parents finished high school. I'm from a single-parent household. I drive one of the worst cars known to man. But do I get money for school? No. And it's not like I'm throwing this money away. I'm using it exclusively on an education, which will better my situation later in life. And I can't get some help doing it. My own government doesn't believe I can become a valuable member of society, apparently, so it won't invest in my future. You fucking bastards! It's only fair that rich people get taxed up the ass. They're on top. They enjoy the best that the richest country in the world has to offer. It should be their duty to give the "under privileged" the same opportunities they were afforded to become an equal in our society. When they don't do that, they border on becoming our oppressors. Workers of the world, unite! Sorry, I got carried away.
But seriously, vote
Nader/Communist/Socialist. |