Tuesday September 20, 2005 Exams have started. It's that week four crunch where you're seeing your first tests of the new school year being given. It really sucks because they all fall right in the same week/week and a half. They're all coming in a span of just four days for me. I guess it could be worse. I only have one test a day for four consecutive days. Well, four tests and a quiz in four consecutive days. I've heard others complaining about having three tests in one day. You better believe that if I were in that predicament I'd be absolutely irate. I feel for those people, but I still seek pity for my own situation as evidenced by this very journal entry. At least it won't be as bad from here on out. Since all professors started new material at the same time, they're all reaching exam land at roughly the same time. The next round of tests will be a little more spread out, and the next round even more spread out than that. So it's only going to get better (in theory). I should just buckle down and handle my business. I'm doing that. At least I'm doing that so far. I'm only one test in. But I thought this crunch could use an official name -- something all college students, and maybe even some high school students, can recognize as that hellish period in their academic careers where their professors, seemingly in some kind of conspiracy, dump test after test on them all at once. Here's what I'm coming up with off the top of my head as I type this... 1. That Time of the First Month - It's like a girl's period, but it happens only twice a year, to both boys and girls, and you're pissed not because of hormones but because you just spent four hours IN THE FUCKING LIBRARY TRYING TO LEARN FIVE CHAPTERS WORTH OF STATISTICS YOU'LL NEVER FUCKING USE! 2. The Week Before Half the Campus Gets Alcohol Poisoning - Because, well... You've been there. After a tough week of doing what you're at school to do in the first place, you "just need to let loose, y'know." Translation: I had to do stuff this week so it's time to get absolutely hammered. 3. Drops Week - You'd call it this because after this week, you see a crazy amount of drops from people who realized they couldn't handle a particular class or two. This week separates the men from the boys; the strong from the weak; the responsible from me.
I'll end it there because I
don't really want to come up with anymore names. Besides, I need to go see
my academic advisor about dropping a few classes. If you can think of any
names better than these I've listed (and who couldn't?), I encourage you
to keep them to yourself. No one likes a braggart. |