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June 29, 2005
I've added another journal entry. You can read it here. In an uncharacteristic move, I've actually made this one somewhat interesting and almost worth reading.

June 22, 2005
I've added a journal entry about how I'm finally bored and wish summer would come to an end. It's nothing interesting, but if you're as bored as I am these days, you'll do just about anything to kill time... So read it.

June 1, 2005
I've updated the journal. Check it out.

May 19, 2005
I've added a journal entry. Click here. I'll warn you, though... It's boring. I've also added a few dates to the Calendar. Check it out if you want to know when Audioslave's album is to be released. That reminds me, I need to go pick up System of a Down's new album.

May 3, 2005
I updated the Calendar for the month of May. In doing so I noticed I didn't update it for April. Oops. Red face! I also combed through my final four or five conversations with Bob and posted what little I found interesting. You can read them by clicking this link. There's no more to come of those. I pumped that well dry. All you get is Dennis and Kim conversations from now on.

April 29, 2005
I needed to vent about my sister's dog that I fucking hate. Click here to read it and to find out what major I chose. Wish me luck on my finals, kids. They start Monday, and I could use some luck.

April 21, 2005
I'm back, and I've added a journal entry explaining my absence and talking about some other crap no one really cares about. Enjoy it, and I apologize for the new ads that FreeServers decided I needed.

March 25, 2005
Dennis has added another journal entry. Read it... They aren't as good as mine by the way. You may leave him feedback on the forums if you wish.

March 24, 2005
I've added a journal entry. You may read it by following this link or, per usual, following the appropriate links on the left.

March 19, 2005
Dennis L Heiskill Jr. has decided to submit a journal entry for the website. I've posted it here so you can read it. It's also on the Strike Forum. I left it there so that anyone who happened across it could leave some feedback as I plan to do. That is all.

March 17, 2005
I've added a journal entry. You can read it by clicking here, or following the appropriate links on the left. Made a slight change to the About Me page as well. Monk was added to the favorite TV show list. Ummm. I think that's it.

February 28, 2005
I've gone ahead and updated the Calendar for the month of March a few hours ahead of schedule. I had to do it now while I was thinking about it or it would've gone up a week and a half late. I also added a new link,, to the Links page. I rediscovered it recently and thought I'd share it. And speaking of rediscovering things, I found an old column I wrote about Ralph Nader that I never posted. I've corrected that. You can read it here. It's just too bad I didn't get it uploaded before the election. It would have surely swung the election in Ralph's favor.

February 15, 2005
I've added a journal entry. It's an interactive one too. Read it and vote on the web poll. But don't stop there. Give me input on what you think on the message boards. Please. Please do that. It needs some traffic. That is all.

February 5, 2005
I've added a journal entry... in a way. I copy and pasted an old one. That counts... I guess. Click here to read what happened to me on July 25th, 2002. I've also added quite a bit to page two of the conversations with Bob. Everything following our "Original X-Rated Poems" is new. I added a tiny bit to page two of the conversations with Dennis as well. Everything following "Dennis Fabricated a Conversation with Bob" is new.

February 1, 2005
I've updated the Calendar and added a short journal entry. That oughta tide you bitches over for a while.

January 17, 2005
In honor of MLK Day I read Dr. King's Letter From a Birmingham Jail. Here's a link to it so that you may do the same if you wish. I urge you to, by the way. What he writes is so well-grounded in logic that you can't possibly argue against it, and there are teachings in it, such as fighting apathy and complacency, that can apply to any social struggle. I don't know if I worded that how I want, but it's close. There's just so much you can learn from it. It's much more than a letter about segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. On a side note, I also gave the About Me page a few minor updates.

January 1, 2005
I've added a journal entry and updated the Calendar for the month of January. Read and enjoy.

December 22, 2004
I've added another journal entry here. I also did a little housecleaning as far as the My Works page goes. You'll notice the journal entries are no longer linked there. I moved them to their own folder to decrease the clutter on that page, on the file manager I use to upload the pages, and on my hard drive. Click the Journal Entries link to the left to find links to all journal entries from now on. They're all still here, just moved. Another thing I forgot is that the site recently turned two years old. Two years since I brought it back under its new form anyway. As of December 1st, it's 2.

December 9, 2004
I've added a quite lengthy journal entry about my unbelievably bad week. Read it and take pleasure in my pain. I know you will.

December 7, 2004
After amassing a few conversations with Kim, I've put them up on the site. Enjoy.

December 1, 2004
I've updated the Calendar for the month of December. Check it out, and don't forget to wish me a happy 21st birthday in just 23 days! I also added a link to a banned books website to the Links section. Check it out as well.

November 30, 2004
New journal entry posted! Click here now!

November 15, 2004
I've added a journal entry about how that asshole Mahatma Gandhi has been haunting me. Read it here.

November 3, 2004
I've posted a journal entry on the turnout of the Presidential election. I've also updated the Calendar and made some changes and additions to the About Me section.

October 31, 2004
I crammed in one more journal entry for the month of October. You can read it here.

October 28, 2004
Read all about my uncomfortable eye exam and the up-and-down last few weeks of philosophy in my newest journal entry. Vote Nader.

October 24, 2004
I've added a journal entry about my first ever Presidential election as a voter and about Halloween. Enjoy.

October 11, 2004
A journal entry regarding my week of midterms is up. See?

October 2, 2004
I've put up the new Calendar.

September 17, 2004
I've added another journal entry. Read about a fear I have and how I conquered an exam.

September 15, 2004
Journal entry added about my weird sleeping habits.

September 10, 2004
After more than a year since my last one, I've written a column. It discusses the possibility of a new section coming to the site. Read it. I've also updated the Calendar.

August 27, 2004
Another journal entry has been added. Check it out.

August 22, 2004
Another journal entry has been added. Check it out.

August 14, 2004
I've added another journal entry. Read it to find out about my schedule for the upcoming semester.

August 9, 2004
I taught myself how to make animated buddy icons today. Actually, I just read a website that explained it. That's sort of teaching myself, though. I've put the few that I've made up right here. I put up a few more regular icons under the TV/Movie section (3 "David Palmer" icons). You won't understand the Rob Hurst icon probably, but I may write up a column on him soon that will explain it all. That's if I don't blow it off, which I likely will. On a side note, I want to wish Dennis a happy 19th birthday. Our little girl's growing up so fast.

August 4, 2004
I've updated the Calendar. Not much going on this month, but "not much" means it's much more interesting than any other month for me. I've also updated the About Me section. I added some Top 5 garbage. Enjoy! Oh yeah. And my AIM Buddy Info recently turned 5 months old. Thanks for the reminder, Kim.

July 21, 2004
I've added another journal entry. Click here to view it. Oh, and if you're interested in joining my Yahoo! fantasy football league, the ID# is
53906. Consider yourself invited. Unless Bob does something to fuck it up, which is a definite possibility (I won't lie), it'll run smoothly and be lots of fun.

July 13, 2004
Now that the month is almost half over, I've decided to update the Calendar. Also, vote on the poll (bottom).

July 12, 2004
At long last I have put up my remaining Europe photos (Paris) and the France journal entry. I'm long overdue a journal entry (I'm attempting to hold myself to two per month), so check back real soon for another. I don't know what it'll be on yet, but I'll think of something.

July 7, 2004
I've added two Charlotte Bobcats buddy icons to the NBA Icons page.

June 16, 2004
I've added to the very neglected Learn Something section of the website. I've also added a link or two to the, you guessed it, Links section. Still working on the France pictures.

June 14, 2004
I've added three journal entries. First, I talk about my flights to and from Europe, then I summarize Germany, then Italy. From each of those entries, you can access the slide shows... Well, not the flight entry. I didn't take any pictures of airplanes or anything like that. But anyway, yes, I uploaded a plethora of PICTURES! Go crazy, kids. I still have to type up a France entry and get those pictures uploaded, so keep checking back. That is all.

June 4, 2004
I've added an important date to the Calendar. Check the 25th.

June 2, 2004
I'm back (and damn glad to be)! Got in about 6:00 pm yesterday. I've updated the Calendar, so check that out. Haven't gotten the Europe pictures developed just yet, though. Look for those in the next few days.

May 16, 2004
I've gone to Europe to see my sister for a few weeks. I'll be back June 1st, though you probably won't see me until June 2nd. I'll try to get some pictures up of all the places we visit as soon as I get back home. Until then, SEE YA! I've also added a journal entry - the Fake Quarter - and removed some of the clutter on this page. If you want to read old news updates, there's a link at the bottom of this page for those. See you in a few weeks!

May 5, 2004
I've added some conversations. All new stuff was added to second pages. Click "Conversations" and that sentence will make sense.

May 3, 2004
I've added a journal entry. It announces (a few of) the location(s) I'll be visiting on my summer vacation. Updated the calendar section as well.

April 26, 2004
The buddy icons have made their triumphant return.

April 25, 2004
I've added a monologue. I vent about the type of NASCAR ads out there. Read it!

April 24, 2004
Anything buddy icon related is temporarily down. I tried to move the 200+ images to a new folder to get them out of my way when trying to work with the rest of the site and all hell broke loose. I'll get it figured out eventually, but right now I don't feel like it. Check back later, I may do it a little bit at a time.

April 23, 2004
As promised - well, sort of promised - I've added MLB AIM Buddy Icons. Click here to see them, or get there via the link on the
Icons and Avatars page.

April 15, 2004
I've added somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 buddy icons - all under the category of sports. I broke them up into NBA icons and NFL icons. Put them on different pages so maybe they'd all load too. There's at least one icon for every team in each league. I may add some MLB icons later. Bob, send me a picture of your new car again and I'll immortalize it like I did your legendary Bronco II.

March 31, 2004
I jumped the gun a little, but I put up the Calendar for next month. There is something on there for April 1st that all should see and participate in.

March 30, 2004
At long last I have added to the Learn Something section. It's a pretty interesting tidbit, so you should look at it. Kucinich has been taken off of the Links page since he has lost the Democratic nomination to Kerry. I replaced him with a link to Ralph Nader's website. Speaking of Ralph, he'll be on CNN's Crossfire program today at 4:30 pm EST. Check your local listings.

March 22, 2004
Journal entry added. It's titled "Pee Pee Keys." Talk about a title that will "hook" the reader.

March 9, 2004
Forgot about the Calendar again. I've updated it now.

March 3, 2004
Journal entry added. Click here. I moved all column links onto the 'My Works' page. No reason to have things written by me scattered all about the site. Anything I write will be linked from that page from now on.

January 16, 2004
Journal entry added. Click here.

January 9, 2004
I've updated the Calendar section. I thought I already had. Oops. It's done now.

December 31, 2003
I've added a journal entry. You know the drill. Click here or get there via the My Works button to your immediate left.

December 26, 2003
I've added a new section. 'Learn Something' is now available. I'll add to it periodically. Right now, I don't have much to put in it, though. Could be that I'm incredibly tired so my brain isn't exactly firing on all cylinders. Once I'm back in school and instructors are throwing useless info at me on a semi-daily basis, there should be some growth.

December 16, 2003
Recently passed the 1 year mark since I brought this site back. December 1st was that day. I've added a (boring) Journal entry. Click here to see, or click the 'Journal' link to the left, or even the 'My Works' link. They'll all get you there. Take your pick.